Scontsas Fine Jewelry & Home Decor


Decorating your home may need the help of a trained eye, or a customizing seamstress to make things complete. Scontsas helps to bring your room together in a unique way by adding the perfect touches to your home. We don’t follow a standard style of decorating; our philosophy is more out of instinct than following any guidelines...if you love it and it talks to you it will work!



Scontsas offers interior design to its customers. This service is available to clients investing in the “shabby chic” look. Hourly rates and fees will be discussed prior to services rendered.

Custom Sewing

Custom Sewing

Scontsas offers the unique service of custom sewing. Slip covers for existing furniture, window treatments and customed bedding are a few of the services we provide. Labor charges will be discussed prior to services rendered.

Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019 Scontsas Fine Jewelry & Home Decor